On the 14th and 15th June, eleven secondary school and one elementary school teachers travel to Barcelona to learn and share their experiences with González Lab members, (Miriam Merenciano, María Bogaerts, and Pepi González), Irene González (Biotechnology undergrad student who designed the stereoscope for mobile phones), and with Roberto Torres the communication officer of the citizen science project Melanogaster Catch The Fly. This year, four new schools located in Granada, Hospitalet (Barcelona), Alaquàs (Valencia), and Tudela (Navarra) joined the project. The teachers from Tomelloso joined through skype to share their experience organizing the outreach event #Show The Fly.
We are privileged to be able to work with such a motivated (and fun!) group of teachers with whom we share our passion to bring science to schools to increase critical thinking in our society. Thanks all for coming!!! And see you in 2020!
Picture, back to front row and left to right: Roberto Torres (@LCATMon), Sergi Molins (@Tecla_Sala, Hospitalet), Piedad Ortega (#Col·legi Mare de Déu de l’Olivar II, Alaquàs), Carmen Arboleda (@CESRamonyCajal, Granada), Pepi González (@GonzalezLab_BCN), Marta Saiz (INS Jaume Almera, Vilassar), Concha Ferrer (@IESAlonsoQuijad, Esquivias), Silvana Castillo (@IesMora, Baza), Irene González (Barcelona), Joan Torró ( @iesbenjaminjarn, Fuentes de Ebro), Miriam Merenciano (@GonzalezLab_BCN), Paloma Sepulveda (#inscarpetania, Yepes), Belen Roldan (@Alonso_Ercilla, Ocaña), Bea Sainz (@IESBenjaminTude, Tudela), Zahara Alonso (#CEIP Ramon y Cajal, Pina de Ebro), María Bogaerts (@GonzalezLab_BCN).
Not in the picture but part of the meeting: Mª Luisa Espinosa, Antonio Buendia, y Mª Jose Gómez (@IESEladio, Tomelloso) y Marga Martínez (INS Jaume Almera, Vilassar).