We have added a new chapter to our research on Bari-Jheh transposable element:
2008. Bari-Jheh was first identified as a candidate adaptive TE (González et al PLoS Biology).
2009. We found that Bari-Jheh is associated with increased developmental time and lower viability (González et al MBE)
2014. We found that Bari-Jheh is associated with increased tolerance to oxidative stress most likely through the upregulation of its downstream genes.
2015. We found that the dominance effect of Bari-Jheh depends on the genetic background where this mutation is present.
2018. We found that Bari-Jheh is enriched for H3K9me3 in nonstress conditions, and for H3K9me3, H3K4me3 and H3K27me3 in oxidative stress conditions, which is consistent with expression changes in adjacent genes.
Stay tuned for more discoveries on Bari-Jheh, we are currently performing experiments to better understand the effects of this mutation.