Xavier Bellés Lab
Evolution of Insect Metamorphosis Lab
Institut de Biologia Evolutiva (CSIC-UPF)
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Other interests
Cave insects
Work on cave insects derived naturally from the entomological observations made while practising speleology as a sport, an activity that XB started late in the sixties. Progressive interest lead to publish a number of contributions, comprising the description of some twenty new taxa, especially in the Leptodirinae (=Bathysciinae), from Pyrenean and Mediterranean caves. Some 80 papers have been published in this field. Click here to access the list.

Systematics of spider beetles
The work on taxonomy and systematics of spider beetles (Coleoptera, Ptinidae) started in 1975, when trying to identify some specimens of this family collected in caves. Further specialisation lead to publish a number of contributions, comprising the description of a new tribe, some 20 new genera and some 50 new species of ptinid beetles, especially form the Oriental and Neotropical regions. Some 60 papers have been published in this field. Click here to access the list.

Popularization of science
A public researcher must explain what is he doing to Society in an intelligible language. Therefore, part of our time is used to be available to communication media and to prepare works of popularization of science. Some 20 papers and 10 books have been published in this field. Click here to access the list.

History of Science
As Newton said “If I have seen further it is only by standing on the shoulders of giants”. It is not, thus, uninteresting to be a bit familiar with our giants. We have also published some papers and books dealing on the history of science. Click here to access the list.

Mediaeval history
In addition to the current subjects of entomology, XB has personal interests in the field of Mediaeval History, which are developed at home, in dusty archives and libraries and in the Pyrenees, under the shadow of old castle towers. He also published a few papers dealing on this. Click here to access the list.