4-year PhD position (PIF2024) Deadline: 8th November 2024

Job description

The PhD student will join a research group focused on understanding the genomic basis of adaptive evolution (www.gonzalezlab.eu). The PhD project involves the analysis of -omics data to identify transposable element insertions and to understand what determines their abundance, diversity, activity, and functional effects on gene expression and transcriptome diversification across species.

Desired Skills and Expertise

A master in computer science, bioinformatics or related fields is required. Undergraduate studies and master must account for 300 ECTS. Good programming skills
Good organizational skills
Good scientific writing and oral communication skills Ability to work as part of a team
Experience with use of clusters (SLRUM) is desirable

Contract duration and benefits

The 4-year PhD contract is part of the PIF2024 call associated with a PID2023 project (aei.gob.es).

Required Information and Contact

Please send and email to josefa.gonzalez@csic.es with the email subject “PhD position 2025” including your CV and a motivation letter indicating why you are interested in joining Gonzalez Lab as a PhD researcher. Deadline for applications: 8th November 2024.

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